FEBRUARY’S SPOTLIGHT AUTHOR Sharon Lathan Interview and Book Giveaway

A Season of Courtship coverdarker 500x800I’m very pleased to have you as February’s Spotlight Author.  We have our 0eb27b1513d4bdd6374467941774331414f6744Valentine decorations out today.  And I see many of our audience are wearing red.  Happy Valentine’s Day to all of you.  I wanted Sharon to join us today because she writes in the time period of gallantry and grand gestures in creating the sparks of love.  So without further delay, Sharon, we welcome you.

Thank you, Eileen. It is a wonderful pleasure to join you and your Booktalk visitors. I am a self-ascribed “happily ever after girl” so February and Valentine’s Day are favorites. In fact, on my blog I have devoted the entire month to romance and love!                    

What do you enjoy most about writing love stories?

Love stories are empowering. No matter the era or genre, all love stories have the common thread of a woman finding her place in the world, learning her mind and heart, and discovering the best means to secure her happiness. She may be battling aliens or paranormal creatures, fighting bad guys or career decisions as a modern-day “tough chick,” or cleverly navigating the social nuances in a ballroom or country manor parlor. Wherever the heroine and hero are, whatever they are doing, in the end it is the mutual realization that they are stronger, better, more complete people if together. This is what I love.

Secondly, love stories give us hope and brighten our hearts. The reader knows that everything will work out and the ending will be satisfying. We need happiness in our world. We are constantly being told how bad life is. Reading a romance novel isn’t fantasy, as some say. No, these are real people readers can relate to, no matter the setting, who find a way through their troubles and triumph in the end. That is a message people need to hear!

Would you say that women today can still find their Mr. Darcy?  Do they have to give up something or perhaps expect less of that gallantry in a relationship, i.e. opening car doors, pulling out chairs, etc?

If one is too literal, then they will probably be disappointed, I’m afraid. We live in a very different world than England two-hundred years ago! If, however, speaking of generalities, then I do believe one can find their Mr. Darcy. Even that, of course, depends upon what one envisions. A “Mr. Darcy” being a man of good character, an honest heart, faithful, gentlemanly, and similar virtues – yes, those men are out there to be sure. Never give up!

I asked my husband why he stopped opening the car door for me.  He looked surprised.  I saw him hesitate.  He answered because you’re driving and I’m the passenger.  Any comments?

Do you think that women’s search for independence and freedom of choice has changed what men expect from women in a partnership?

I’ll answer these together. In short, yes I do believe that our gender’s search for independence and equality has gradually led to the other changes. Is this a bad thing? In some respects, sure it is. I wish people in general, male and female, embraced proper manners and decency, as once was the norm. At the same time, women have much better options now than in Jane Austen’s time. All considered, I can happily live with opening my own doors if the benefits are my own choices in career, marriage, and so on.

I’d like to ask a few questions about being an author. What prompted you to feel the need to write a novel?

Originally I was only prompted to write a few continuing scenes to Pride and Prejudice after falling in love with the 2005 movie version starring Matthew Macfadyen and Keira Knightley. Those scenes ended up short stories, then chapters—all posted in online fan fiction forums—until I realized I had about three books worth! My publishing story can be read in depth on my website: http://sharonlathanauthor.com/about-sharon  I also have an FAQ page with more details and my thoughts.

The inspiration to write anything at all was a desire to keep the love story going. I did not want to let go of the characters and world I had fallen in love with. And more than anything, I wanted to realistically and historically delve into the “and they lived happily ever after” portion of all love stories that readers never see.

On Jane Austen’s birthday I see all these new Austen books either published or are remarketed. Did those books influence you?

Indeed so! Jane Austen fan-fiction (JAFF) was a whole new world I never knew existed. Reading other stories posted online gave me the courage to begin writing in the first place. Also, as I read tons of JAFF, I never found the rest-of-the-story as it was swirling inside my head. I looked at that as a sign to offer lovers of Austen sequels something unique!

So you just fell into writing—amusing yourself.  That’s staggering.  Didn’t you envision yourself as a writer when you were young?

For close to a year my writing was a hobby. I mean, I did lots of research, read Pride and Prejudice numerous times, and never wrote a sentence I didn’t carefully consider and edit. In that respect I was very serious. But, I was amusing myself, as you aptly stated it, in the sense that I did not consider this a career option. I had only, ever wanted to be a nurse. Since I was nine years old, in fact. I was perfectly content in my chosen career as an RN in a Neonatal ICU.

Yet the more I wrote and spent time with the characters, it became a passion I could not ignore.

How did you move from short stories to be novels? How much of a chore/process was it to take all the short stories and make them work as part of the Darcy Saga?

I began writing and posting online in March of 2006. After about four “short stories” I rather organically kept on writing the days of the Darcys’ honeymoon. Those initial days unfolded into weeks, then months, one event followed by another. It was a “saga” as dubbed by a fan way back when, because I wasn’t telling a single story but was telling of life. And life, as we all know, continues on like a stream. Easy flowing sections, mild turbulence, and then the rapids! This is the tale I was recounting in The Darcy Saga.

Once I decided to publish, I first looked at the average word count for a normal size book, figured where that would fall in the massive tome I already had written, and decided on a logical stopping place for each book. Pretty easy!

Did you have anyone help you find a publisher or help you search for one?

Because publishing was an entirely new business for me, and vastly different from the medical profession, I spent an incredible amount of time researching the industry as a whole. I went through all the typical steps of writing to literary agents and editors, mostly getting rejections. Then, thanks to the recommendation of a friend named Simone, I sent a query letter to an editor at Sourcebooks.

While waiting for something to come through, I pursued independent publishing. In 2007, publishing outside of the traditional format was in the infant stage. I did self-publish my first three novels, but was thrilled to land a publishing contract with Sourcebooks. They wonderfully published all of my eight titles.

Now the independent publishing business has radically changed and matured. I am therefore extremely excited to return to the business of independent publishing with my upcoming novel, Darcy and Elizabeth: A Season of Courtship.

How does a writer manage to continue trying to publish when they get rejected so many times?

It isn’t easy. I shed many tears, and probably threw a few things! What is fabulous now, in 2014, is that the options are greater. One can strive for the traditional pathway to publishing—which is a perfectly valid, wonderful way to go—or choose to enter the independent publishing path. Or, do both! Authors have power and choices as they never have in history.

Rejection will always be a part of being an artist. If it does not happen at the literary agent or publishing editor level, it will happen with the reviewers and readers. An author must accept that they are going to hear how awful their book is! It will always hurt. The good news is that many, many readers will love what an author writes. And if the author herself/himself is happy with the finished product, at the end of the day this is what matters most.

I understand that your first book, Two Shall Become One: Mr. and Mrs. Fitzwilliam Darcy was published on Lulu.com.  Could you explain to our audience what that platform is?  What other platforms are similar to Lulu?

Lulu.com was one of the early companies to take advantage of new printing processes called “print on demand” or POD. In a nutshell, it is the ability to have a book printed one by one, as ordered, rather than in mass printing press processes as traditionally published novels are. POD made self-publishing—now “independent publishing”—possible. Online retailers, Amazon primarily, provided a marketplace for authors to sell their own published books, bypassing the brick-and-mortar stores.

Lulu.com still exists, and no shocker, there are many other companies who provide similar services. Amazon is one of the giants with CreateSpace and Kindle Direct. Technology has continued to advance so that the finished novels (if printed) are almost exactly like those created from printing presses and not quite as expensive as before. With more and more readers going digital and/or buying books online versus a store, the gap between the two publishing pathways has diminished.

Do you have any plans to write outside the Darcy Saga?  If so, what do you consider?

I have started a novel that will be a pure Regency romance unrelated in any way to the Darcys or Austen’s world. I actually have several novel ideas, historical and contemporary, that I have written synopsis and outlines for. One of these days I will write them!

But for the present, my readers want more of the Darcys and their family. So I will keep focused there.

Do you have any words for aspiring writers?

Write. Just write, keep writing, and don’t stop.

Along the way, get connected to other writers. NO ONE will understand your passion better than another writer! Also, by getting connected to other writers, you learn about the industry. Never forget that being a successful author—insert your definition of “successful” in there—must be a balance of an artist’s gift, passion for the art, learning the craft of writing, diving into social media and marketing, and approaching it as a business/career.

I have a couple of questions that I’d love to hear your answers to.  I will giveaway one copy of Miss Darcy Falls in Love and 2 e-book copies of my newest book of the Darcy Saga Darcy and Elizabeth: A Season of Courtship to 3 commenters. Please just step in and let us hear what you’re thinking.  You can answer either of these questions or interact with each other with your answers.  First question is, can a woman or man romantically love two people at the same time?  Second question, how can you tell that the one you love is THE one?

Those are the questions, let’s hear what you have to say.  And before we let you go, both Sharon and I wish you a lovely, perfect time with your sweetie on Valentine’s Day.  Comments will be counted between February 13 and February 16 for the giveaways. Winner will be announced here and sent an email.

Bio: Sharon Lathan is the best-selling author of The Darcy Saga nine-volume sequel series to Jane Austen’s Pride & Prejudice. Sharon began writing in 2005 and her first novel, Mr. and Mrs. Fitzwilliam Darcy: Two Shall Become One was published in 2009. Sharon’s ninth novel is scheduled for released in Spring 2014, Darcy & Elizabeth: A Season of Courtship, the “prequel to the sequel” recounting the betrothal months before the Darcy Saga began. Miss Darcy Falls in Love, Sharon’s seventh novel, was selected as one of the thirty-two titles chosen for World Book Night US 2014.

For more information about Sharon, the Regency Era, and her novels, visit her website/blog at: http://www.sharonlathan.net

on Facebook at www.facebook.com/SharonLathanNovelist

and Twitter @SharonLathan   https://twitter.com/SharonLathan

About eileendandashi

I am a lover of books, both reading and writing. 2018 marks the beginning of my own journey from writer to published author. This blog will showcase various authors' thoughts on the elements of novel crafting, and my attempts to find my voice in writing. While journaling this journey, I hope to encourage others to follow their dreams. Book reviews continue as I have the last four years, only making time for my new pursuits.
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40 Responses to FEBRUARY’S SPOTLIGHT AUTHOR Sharon Lathan Interview and Book Giveaway

  1. Vee says:

    Hi Sharon and Eileen! I thoroughly enjoyed reading the interview 🙂
    Hard questions Sharon! As a reader I am not as eloquent with my writing as you, but I am happy to give you my thoughts.
    Q. Can a man or woman romantically love two people at the same time? A. I would have to say no. My notion of being romantically involved or in love with someone means being devoted to them and having thoughts of nothing or no one else 🙂
    Q. How can you tell someone THE ONE? A. I would have to say the one is someone that you can totally relax with and be yourself. The one that listens to your opinion and is willing to compromise for the good of both. One that shares some of your favourite likes (I think it’s impossible for someone to have everything in common). One that compliments you when necessary eg. If I’m having a meltdown he would be calm and help me settle. One that your excited to be around. One that makes you feel special or more importantly makes you feel special when you most need it. The one is someone you picture in your mind with you in your future years.
    I can’t wait to read other answers to these great questions!
    Happy Valentines Day to all xox


  2. Eva E says:

    Thank you for an enlighting interview. I have treasured The Darcy Saga and do await more! Thank you for the giveaway and I would like to have Sharon’s new release as I have Miss Darcy Falls in Love.
    Q #1 and #2. I think that one can think that they might love two people but true love is where the heart speaks and not the brain. In P&P, the brain would say that one must marry for connection and money but the heart says otherwise. In 2014, women now have their own financial security and can allow their hearts to guide them. So, true love comes down to the flutterings of the heart and the longing one feels for the other person – not only physical longing but also a concern for the well being o the other person.
    Happy Valentine’s Day!


  3. Emily Myers says:

    Hello Sharon and Eileen,
    First off, I want to wish you both a very Happy Valentine’s and hope it is wonderful with your loved ones. Second, WOW what an interview! Thank you both so much and I immensely enjoyed reading it. It is so nice to come to a place to chat with fellow booklovers! Now to answer (as best I can) Sharon’s questions…….DUN DUN DUN. 😉

    1. Can a woman or man romantically love two people at the same time?
    My answer would most definitely have to be NO! Yes, I know our society presents many images of how it seems possible to romantically love two (or more) people, but I still disagree. There is nothing wrong with liking soap operas and those chick flicks where the girl decides between two people, but somehow I do not think that is reality because of what love really means to me. The way to answer this question as a “yes” or “no” depends on one’s interpretation of what love is. Many people, I am sure, believe or think they are in love but in truth it might be fascination or even just lust. I have had many friends who seemed they could not decide between two people, and it is just one dramatic nightmare. When I asked them what their definition of love was, they usually said something along the lines of “fun, intriguing times with that special him/her where you feel the passion and your heart skips a beat.” I respect other’s views, but personally I disagree with that statement. TRUE love is not always the bells and whistles in a perfect world; love is hard and takes time to truly grow into something that could last forever. I am a complete hopeless romantic to say the least, but still believe in not getting carried away with the IDEA of love which I did for far too long growing up. I think many people think they are in love because they like the idea of love, but it probably is not strong and everlasting if they are just focused on the good, pleasant feelings. I know I kind of babbled for a bit. Thinking you are in love with multiple people may be true for some, but actually BEING in love with multiple people seems impossible and illogical. Every concept of love that I believe in, shows me that true love means being with that ONE person who completes you even through the hard, yucky times and who will never leave you. Being in “love” with multiple people may seem fun and exciting on the big screen, but in reality it seems to only cause heartache and despair. When you are in love with someone, I think that you would want to only be with that one person who you could not imagine living life without. 🙂

    2. How can you tell that the one you love is THE one?
    WOW! This question is tough because it is based on each person’s definition of how they know they have found the “one.” In my opinion, I do not think you can find your one true love until you love yourself completely. Not in a vain or selfish way, but knowing yourself completely and being completely okay with who you are. I think this plays a bigger part then most people realize. In my case, until I let go of my major insecurities and saw the beauty inside of myself, I could not truly open myself up to accept true love from the most amazing guy in the world to me. Yes, we all have insecurities and there will always be those things we think we can change, but some of those things can be worked through with the person you love. That is another reason where you know you are with the one. Once you are completely okay with yourself, your eyes will truly be open to how others treat you. For those who wallow in their insecurities, it is unfortunately easy to settle for the first person who pays you a compliment or starts treating you like a decent human being. Just because they pay you compliments or are kind to you does not mean they are the one. I am NOT saying people who show you compliments are bad, no! But it is extremely easy to settle and look over things that may be problematic in a relationship all due to that they make you feel better about yourself……some of the time. There is no perfect guy or girl, but I do think it is possible to find the one. The one who completes you through the good and bad times. The one who is a gentleman or lady to you not just on Valentine’s Day. The one who has things in common with you and truly cares about what you think. Most of all, THE ONE should be a person who highly believes in complete honesty. Yes, if you are completely honest, it does not mean everything you will hear will be cheery but honesty truly goes a long way more than one would think. If two people strive to be honest in a relationship, then I do not see where you can go wrong. The most successful couples I have met said honesty was truly a rewarding factor and prompts you to fight for each other. For me, I knew I found the one through all the things mentioned and also through how we both have the incredible need to be close to each other. People have laughed at us, but we truly cannot bear to be apart. It is torture when we have to go our separate ways such as going to different schools, but when we see each other we always have those butterflies that stay in your tummy forever. Whether one of us wants to read a book and the other person do another thing, we still like to be in the same room because each other’s presence is soothing. I knew I found the one when he loved me unconditionally from always making it his mission to spiritually uplift me, reading the Bible with me, or just giving me that look that is only reserved for me-his one true love. I wish everyone eternal happiness because finding the ONE is such a blessing!

    Thank you again Sharon and Eileen, and I hope everyone has a wonderful day! 🙂


  4. Hi Vee!!
    Thanks for stopping by, and for taking the time to answer the questions thoroughly. I am already seeing fabulous responses, so doubt I will have much to add!

    I agree that the key to answering the first question is the “romantically” aspect. Obviously a person has the capacity within them to “love” many people. And, if one loses a partner they can find the romantic love again. But at the same time? I don’t believe it possible either, not if one holds to the definition of what love between a man and woman is supposed to be.

    I love your description of THE ONE. Excellent!


  5. Hello Eva!
    Thanks for stopping by 🙂

    “true love is where the heart speaks and not the brain” — Very nice! This hits the nail on the head quite succinctly.


  6. Hello Emily!
    I can’t thank you enough for the phenomenal response. I don’t think I can add much to it! WOW!

    First, I am so happy you found your Mr. Darcy. What a joy!! I wish you decades of happiness and love.

    I tend to agree that finding, and accepting, “true love” depends on one being aware of who they are first.

    I approached Georgiana Darcy’s love dilemma with that in mind. Love, as a pure feeling, can hit us in many ways. When young and testing the waters of our lives and romance, it is easier to think oneself “in love” at the drop of a hat. I don’t see this as a bad thing, to be honest, because it is the heartache that happens with those early romances which helps us to understand what love really is. And more importantly, how “true love” will translate individually. Getting it wrong, and being hurt a few times, matures us and prepares us for accepting that love is more than a feeling. It is commitment and sacrifice and hard work and lots of other things beside the lust and mushy sentiments that are important too.

    Great feedback so far!


  7. Good Morning Vee, Thanks for stopping by and joining us. I’m having such a good time reading the responses. Sharon got here before me and she is in the same time zone.

    I have to laugh at an answer that I read somewhere for the very question I asked. How do you know that your one is the ONE? A woman had asked that question to a man. He said, marry her and if she is still with you in 30 years, she’s the one!

    We know it is much more than that. But his reply made me laugh. I shared your comments with my hubby. We’ve been together for 43 years — we past the 30 year mark. LOL. He said no man can love two women at the same time. It isn’t possible. (This is from an 86 year old’s point of view.) Secondly, he answered me with a question of his own. What is the goal of love? Love is developed–it doesn’t just exist. It is a willingness to harmonize differences in a relationship for the better whole. My hubby is a philosopher at heart–he has a very good point.

    I also want to reiterate here that anyone can reply to anyone in this forum.


  8. I know that longing is a big issue for me. My husband and I spend so much time together, that when he is in another room of the house, I go searching for him. Our love as blossomed and developed more through the years. Thanks for your responses, Eva.


  9. Emily, isn’t it wonderful? The bonding only gets more so as you move through life and experience life together. Lucky you and lucky me! I wish that all were able to find this blending of two halves to make a whole.


  10. Sharon, I love your answer.


  11. Great spotlight!! I tweeted and shared on FB.


  12. Thank you Ella. A pleasure having you stop by.


  13. Vee says:

    Thanks Sharon it was a lot of fun!


  14. Vee says:

    Good morning Eileen 🙂 I also couldn’t help laughing at the 30 year comment. I’ve been married for 31 years and that pretty much sums it up in a nutshell. I’m always reluctant to say 31 wonderful years because quite honestly not all years are wonderful but going through the whole experience together through both good and bad is wonderful. Congrats on your 43 years! Your hubby’s comment is so true. I look forward to reading more thoughts below 🙂


  15. cyn209 says:

    yes, a person can love 2 people romantically……..perhaps each bring something different to the one person…….tho I would hate to be that person……or wouldn’t I!?!? LOL!!!!!
    I have yet to meet my ‘One’, so sorry, I can’t weigh in on that question……..

    continued success to you, Sharon!!

    thank you for the giveaway!!!


  16. merlin says:



  17. I suspect you could love two people at the same time. Of course your love would be different for each one. But don’t you think that you’d have preference for one? And that preference might make you feel guilty because it isn’t as strong for the other? Would your moral compass allow you to shift between two? And then what about how the other two would feel about you and about each other? I’m seeing major complications here, but I’d love to hear other people talk about this. We’ll have to wait for Sharon to weigh in on this one. Sticky….


  18. This is interesting. I can see both sides of the idea of “only one” love.

    For instance, as I mentioned above, if a person loses a partner, can they never love another? Well, of course they can! Or if their love is unreturned, are they doomed. Absolutely not! And certainly we see the capacity to love all of our children in equal yet different ways. Familial love is different in many ways, obviously, than the love between a man and woman. Yet on face value, there is a logic to the IDEA of being able to love two (or more?) men if one can love all their children. Right?

    All that aside, the reason I personally do not think one can “love” two or more men AT THE SAME TIME, and vice versa, ties in directly with my spiritual beliefs. So, of course, right there some folks are going to disagree! LOL! That is fine. This is just my opinion based on what I belief from God’s Word—

    It comes down to the emotional bonding that occurs with intimacy. God designed one man for one woman at a time. Two shall become one. Monogamy. This is a spiritual principle that transcends the “feelings” of romance. Love is more than an emotion, but the emotional aspect of intimate love is powerful and bonding.

    Where it gets tricky is before deciding on who The One is! Getting sucked into the fluffy romantic feelings makes it tough, in a way. I agree that one can feel shades of love, the affectionate sensations with a man who you connect with in some way. That is why I gave Georgiana Darcy two men that she felt emotion for. But, in the end, when dealing with making the choice who will BEST compliment you for hopefully the rest of your life, fluffy romantic feelings won’t cut it.

    So, it isn’t easy. But as a person who has been there, both with loving men before I met my husband, and then committing to him for 30 years as our love prospers, there is a HUGE difference.

    I am really enjoying these discussions! Another question I might ask: Do you think there is ONLY one perfect mate for each person?


  19. Seanna says:

    Q: Can a woman or man romantically love two people at the same time? A: I would really love to say no because I believe in true love and all of the things that come with it, but my logical side has to disagree. I don’t think that it’s stupid when people say that they love two people because those two people can give you two different things. It’s up to the person to figure out which person is right for them and not just the idea of what they can give you, but whole heartedly because having two people isn’t acceptable AT ALL. Also, there’s also the scenario where a loved one dies and you find love again. You aren’t just going to forget about the first person. You have to take people situations and life into account even if sometimes it goes against your views. Q: How can you tell that the one you love is THE one? A: This is a hard one because I’ve never been in love before. I guess my idea of it would be that I want to spend almost every moment with that other person. Seeing them makes me smile and happy. We wouldn’t need to go out all the time and he would understand me when I can’t find the right words. No matter what we’d fight for each other and with each other side by side. We’d love almost everything about each other and compromise on the things that drive us crazy. He would be someone I knew I couldn’t live without. He would know when to take care of me and when to let me be independent and would be dependent on me sometimes too. He could make me laugh even at myself. He would think I was beautiful and the one for him too. When I found someone like that, which I don’t think is asking for much cause it pretty much all goes without saying. Then, I will know that the one I love is THE one. WOW, that’s long. lol.


  20. Lúthien84 says:

    I don’t think it’s possible to romantically love two people at the same time. I think one of them is lust that masquerade as love. And it wouldn’t be fair to all three of them. I can’t possible answer the second question as I have yet to meet the One.


  21. Another fantastic interview. I think there are still Mr Darcys out there but you have to look harder for them 😉 A man with manners already has a head-start but equally women need to remember their manners too 😉 You really only know he is the one when you face bad times!


  22. Hello Seanna,
    Thank you so much for popping in and sharing your thoughts. I like that we are getting varied thoughts on the “love two people” question. Love is such a complex emotion. Humans are able to express and feel love in a million different ways, so I think that is where the differing opinions come.

    Thanks for the insights. I do hope you find your “perfect” man soon. It is a blessed thing, trust me. 🙂


  23. Hi Luthien! Thanks for coming by. I do agree with you. And I will hope for you to find your Mr. Right. He’s out there!!


  24. Hello Cleo 🙂

    Boy, how true is your final statement? SO true! I think that is why so many people marry wrongly. It is easier to feel love when the romance is fresh and fun. Life comes along with tough times and then love is put to the test. Sadly, too many folks fail at that point.

    Thank you for stopping by and sharing your thoughts. 🙂


  25. Thanks for sharing this interview!

    I agree with the predominant trend, that a person cannot be in love with two people at the same time. Romantic love seems to require a significant level of intensity—more than could be achieved if you’re dividing that between two different people…

    I hope everyone had a great Valentine’s Day 🙂 .


  26. Hello Belle! Thanks for coming by. I appreciate your reply, and do agree with you. 🙂

    I had a lovely Valentine’s Day, and sure hope you did too 😀


  27. Seli says:

    I have enjoyed this interview, one of the best I interviews I have enjoyed in a long time.
    I don’t believe a person can romantically love two people at the same time I believe that would be too much work!!! I was blessed to find my soul mate very early in my life and he has only been the only one.

    How can you tell if the one you love is the right one… I knew the moment I touched his hand and felt some crazy stuff LOL weird but true and so I stoked him from my best friend he had no clue poor thing

    Sharon wishing you the best always with your next book and congrats on such a great interview


  28. Thank you Seli for the kind words. I know that I enjoyed the interview AND answers from the thought-provoking questions. It was a wonderful way to spend Valentine’s weekend.

    Funny, you said you just knew by his touch. My husband said he knew right away and spent the next 10 days to convince me. Yes, Seli, that is all it took, just 10 days. You and I were both fortunate.



  29. Seli says:

    Eileen that is wonderful! My husband and I have been together for 30 plus and it has been wonderful. We are both very fortunate. Have a great end to your Valetine weekend and wishing you much success.


  30. Stephanie L says:

    Always love Sharon’s interviews and the insight into the joy that is the Darcy Saga.
    1. No. I think you can only truly love one person at a time. I think you can be temporarily confused and not sure which is the right choice, but if it’s truly love it will sort itself out in short order.
    2. In my personal opinion, the way you know that you have found THE ONE is when you realize that you think of them when you wake up, when you go to sleep, their opinion matters to you more than anyone else and you’ve got each other’s back thru good and bad.
    Looking forward to the new book!!


  31. Hello All! The deadline has past, which is good and bad, I suppose. I was enjoying the comments and discussion, and being in the “spotlight” is always cool 😉 But now it is time to pick winners – yeah!

    So… *drum roll* Thanks to Random.org, the 3 winners are:
    NovElla of NovElla and Banannabelle blog
    Cleopatra of Cleopatra Loves Books blog

    Whoot! Congratulations ladies, and thanks for joining in the discussion. Now, I said the prize was 1 copy of Miss Darcy Falls in Love and 2 eBook copies of A Season of Courtship (once released next month)

    Since I never know who may already have my published novels, I will instead let each of you fine ladies choose which one you want. Email me at: sharon.lathan@gmail.com

    Thanks again for making my spotlight time with Eileen so fantastic!

    Hugs, Sharon Lathan


  32. My congratulations to all the ladies. I’m delighted that you stopped by to visit with Sharon. I hope to see your comments on future blogs.


  33. Wow! What an incredible interview. How do I know my husband is the one? The circumstances under which we met started it. We met because of a broken exhaust system on my college roommate’s truck. We both felt something when we were introduced….instant…strong, something different for each of us. For me I was attracted on a physical level and he was attracted to my wit and demand for information and unwillingness to be hoodwinked. Two days later we were driving me back to college and he asked me out for a dinner date. Now, 31 years, three children, 13 moves (7 interstate), two open heart surgeries and four pacemaker/defibrillators later I cannot imagine my life without him in it.
    He has always held the acts of chivalry as an important part of who he is. He opens doors for me, makes sure I am always on the inside when walking on a sidewalk or in a parking lot, always away from any potential danger. He has a strong belief that women are the stronger sex, but need and deserve to be treasured. We both believe that marriage is not about “me”, but about the other person. It is our responsibility to make sure that we each have the other’s needs in the front of our minds. These are the ideals that we have shared with our children and made sure that they believe they are entitled to them! Yes, we have had our challenges, but through it all has been the belief that WE are worth the effort.


  34. Lisa, what a wonderful response. I understand completely about the instant attraction. I was attracted to my husband- to- be because he was from a part of the world I’d always dreamed to see, he was very eloquent and very much the philosopher. My inclination is that. He, too, was attracted and tracked me back to the US (met him in Belgium) and wouldn’t let me go, even though I had sent him a ‘dear John’ letter. He’s 22 years older than I am and with different backgrounds I thought it wouldn’t work. I guess it did! I’ve been married for 43 years and love him more because of the challenges and life partnering. Your marriage sounds wonderful. Yes, we all have our challenges, but this is life and the merging of two people. But aren’t we lucky! Thanks so much for dropping by today. I hope that you looked at the comments above. We had some interesting comments and a great time together.


  35. Your answers are very wise. Sometimes if drawn physically to someone that might get in the way of other important considerations. Physical attraction is important, don’t get me wrong, but as your love ripens you’ll see more in that person that makes the fit right if he’s THE ONE. Thanks for dropping by. Sharon and I had such a good time with this.


  36. Thanks so much to both of you!


  37. Pingback: New Release–Sharon Lathan’s Darcy & Elizabeth: A Season of Courtship | Flash of Romance

  38. I’m glad to see that Sharon Lathan’s has released Darcy and Elizabeth: A Season of Courtship. I enjoyed both her book, Miss Darcy Falls in Love, and getting to know her better through the interview.


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