Author Lauren Smith and one of her lovely characters from WICKED SEDUCTION are guests at Booktalk with Eileen

Author PhotoFashion is one of the best parts of Regency England research. When I was writing His Wicked Seduction, the second book in my League of Rogues series, one of my characters, Audrey Sheridan, insisted she get to speak to you readers on all matters of what’s hot and what’s not. So without further ado… take it away, Audrey!


Audrey grins and waves. “Good morning! As Lauren mentioned, I am quite the expert in fashion. I spend a good portion of my morning pouring over the latest fashion plates to see what styles are coming to London from Paris. Now I know what you’re thinking. France and England are always at war politically. It’s no different when it comes to fashion.”

She leans forward conspiratorially to whisper. “Honestly, they are far more scandalous in their tastes than the English. Like their undergarments – much thinner, finer. I’ve heard that you can almost see through them! Can you imagine wearing such things and having a man, hopefully one’s husband, see you in them?!” A pretty blush warms her cheeks.

Audrey brushes her hands over the pale rose colored muslin gown she is wearing. “This, what I am wearing, is perfectly suitable for a young unmarried lady. No bold colors unfortunately. Pastels are best for young eligible ladies. Once a woman marries, she’s allowed darker, bolder colors.” A mischievous little twinkle lights her eyes. “It’s one of the many advantages to getting married. That, and finally having a husband in bed. Lord, I’ve listened to my brother Cedric and his friends, those Rogues, speak of bedplay enough when they don’t know I’m around. I am quite excited about it, not that I could ever tell my brother. But I digress.” She giggles and covers her mouth, hiding her delight in speaking so scandalously.Fashion_Plate_(Walking_Dress)_LACMA_M.86.266.325

“The best part of the Regency era fashion is how the fabric drapes over the body. We favor a high empire waist line.” She holds a delicate hand just beneath her breasts where the line of the fabric cuts horizontal beneath them. “The Neoclassical style favors the female body, allowing the cloth to drape loosely and comfortably, rather than constrict us or hamper us with hoop skirts or wide bustles.”

Audrey reaches up to touch a loose curl brushing her cheek. “Hair styles became more natural along with the empire clothing style. We went from awful itchy wigs that were stacked too high, to using our own hair, coiling it up in lovely buns and curling the shorter parts close to our faces to make it attractive.” She strokes a fingertip along the matching rose ribbon woven through her locks. “Pin money from my brother is essential to keep me in fresh ribbons. A woman can go broke trying to stay on top of her ribbon collection.”

Ball GownTouching her chest, she sighs. “I do wish the pressure to wear corsets would disappear. Unfortunately this kind of constriction is popular. When my mother was alive a decade ago, she wouldn’t have had to wear as much restrictive, confining underclothes. Well, I’ve chatted quite a bit about fashion, and possibly about more than I should have. You mustn’t tell my brother about my desire to marry, he’d be most upset.” She grins cheekily. “Especially since he would challenge any potential suitor to a duel. The last thing I need is my brother dueling.”

 * * * *  *  *   *

Aren’t you glad we girls no longer have to wear corsets? I sure am, but I do miss the lovely gowns and the balls to wear them to. Sigh. I hope you all enjoyed Audrey’s insight into fashion! You can read more about her unique style sense and her adventures in designing a Christmas gown for her older sister in His Wicked Seduction.


Lauren Smith is an attorney by day, author by night, who pens adventurous and edgy romance stories by the light of her smart phone flashlight app. She’s a native Oklahoman who lives with her three pets, a feisty chinchilla, sophisticated cat and dapper little schnauzer. She’s won multiple awards in several romance subgenres including: Breakthrough Novel Award Quarter-Finalist and Semi-Finalist Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley Award.

23253662Her latest book, His Wicked Seduction, releases on November 11, 2014 (Samhain Publishing). Warning: This book contains an intelligent lady who is determined to seduce her brother’s friend, a brooding rake whose toy of choice in bed is a little bit of bondage with a piece of red silk, a loyal band of merry rogues and a Christmas love so scorching you’ll need fresh snow to extinguish it.


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About eileendandashi

I am a lover of books, both reading and writing. 2018 marks the beginning of my own journey from writer to published author. This blog will showcase various authors' thoughts on the elements of novel crafting, and my attempts to find my voice in writing. While journaling this journey, I hope to encourage others to follow their dreams. Book reviews continue as I have the last four years, only making time for my new pursuits.
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7 Responses to Author Lauren Smith and one of her lovely characters from WICKED SEDUCTION are guests at Booktalk with Eileen

  1. ldsmith1818 says:

    Thanks for having me and Audrey Eileen!


  2. Susan Gorman says:

    I am reading HWS now and Audrey is so funny.
    Quite the scene stealer!
    Great blog!


  3. Reblogged this on silvatrend8553 and commented:
    This was the first book I had read by Lauren. I really enjoyed it and highly recommend the read. If I had unlimited time I could have finished it in short order,however since I work and require some form of rest I couldn’t read it nonstop as I would have liked to. The characters are wonderfully thought out and made me wish I had read Wicked Designs first. I recommend doing just that as it will help with the flow of this book. I love a good Christmas romance from any time period, but Historicals are my favorite, so this truely fit the bill. I received a free ARC so that I could read it and leave an unbiased review.
    I am currently reading Wicked Designs and hope to finish it soon.


  4. You are entirely welcome. I’ve enjoyed getting to know you and meeting Audrey. I’ve just finished reading Wicked Seduction and will be following with a review. The League of Rogues are indeed an unruly wicked (but in an enticing way) lot of men.


  5. Thank you so much for dropping in today. I loved the interview with Audrey. I had the opportunity to read Wicked Designs. Here’s the link to my review incase you’d like to read it. Even though his has a bit of a Christmas theme, it can be read anytime. I’ll be looking to see what you think about book 1.


  6. Thank you for the reblog. Author Lauren Smith is worthy of many reblogs!


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